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Projects and beneficiaries

  • Currently our foundation as based in Poland, our beneficiaries are in Poland and people who arrive in Poland. In other countries: We act for stable peace and wealthy in Rwanda and for Rwandans in all over the world. We would have also our branch in other European countries and in the rest of the world. It will depend how much of people will be interested in our activities, number of volunteers and sponsors.

    Mission in Poland

    Poland is economically growing very fast. Currently in Poland, we find a big increase in the giant international companies that are establishing their base to be able to interact with the rest of the world. These companies need several employees who speak basically English and other foreign languages. foreigners also who arrive, find the need to learn the Polish language. Is why you find in our missions the development of foreign languages in Poland and to learn Polish for foreigners, additionally to help also good relationship between foreigners and Polish society by summarized as follows :

    -Helping in learning English, French and Germany in Polish society;

    -Helping the elderly people to learn computer science;

    -Various Presentations in different primary schools, lyceum and university;

    -Helping people coming to big cities and giving them basic information as needed;

    -Development of the Polish language for foreigners;

    -Promoting good relations between societies;

    -Spreading information about changing of social life by writing articles on blogs, using YouTube channel , organizing conferences, broadcasting on TV and radio

    Mission for Rwanda

    - Preaching via YouTube and social media for the stable peace for Rwanda in cooperation with foundations and associations abroad.

    - Acting for respect of human right in Rwanda and for Rwandans abroad

    - Helping people to fight against Economic Poverty

    A particular mission for Rwanda.

    Project 01/22RWA

    -In Rwanda is not every body who is authorized to say about his tragic history. Many Rwandans abroad still also have afraid to talk about their history. This increase a number of people with psychological problem. We would open as soon as possible a service to help people with these problems.

    We would also open a service to register testimonies and publish them for who want, and for who don't want, we will save them till the owner will want to publish them. Giving the testimonies is very important for the mental health of a person who survived a tragedy

    Project 02/22RWA

    - Charity chain Rwanda: Rwanda has been registered by the USA as hostage state and many organisation or independent human right activist has designate Rwanda as the first in the world who practices transrepression. Another evil ideology is been developing by Rwanda and this is transassassination. In response Hakizimana World Foundation would implement a project called « Charity chain Rwanda» which consist to encourage every Rwandan who want to help another Rwandan, without having fear to have contact between Rwandans and sensitize Rwandan who are bad acting against others, to stop it.

    Other projects

    Project 001/22HWF Reception Center Garden Angel

    To help people who are in hard situation (material and non material) and need advice in many fields and also need to take a rest. People will be supported by sharing to them different experiences of life and giving to them a great care.

    Activities will be done as follows :

    -Orientation-Reception point of humanity

    -Take a rest, food distribution, psychological help, conversational orientation with the founder or with other members of the boards or with volunteers

    Project 002/22HWF

    To build the Peace European Center for Rwanda The European Center for peace in Rwanda will be built in Poland by our foundation. We chose Poland because this country has survived a lot of . As all the Rwandan people also have a lot of sufferings survived and are still going through difficult times, there is a lot to learn about Poland. The center will also have the mission to make known all the history of Rwanda and to participate in the searching for lasting solutions for this country, for Africa and the whole world.

    The center will be composed of office building in which will be the world office for Hakiziman World Foundation, accommodation for pelerins or people who visit the foundation and Poland, conference room, memorial museum for Rwanda, language school, stationary and online therapy center and various playground and playroom for young people and children.

    Our foundation would be a bridge which meet all Rwandans and which also connect people from different countries and cultures

    Project 003/22HWF

    Material and non-material assistance for Rwandan refugees in Africans countries According to the social-political system in Rwanda, there is a big number of Rwandans people who still don't want to back home. Our foundation would provide material and non-material assistance to them. We would more focus on psychological help because many of them survived terrible situations of the war, genocide and conflicts between Rwandans. Those refugees are in the country as Uganda, DRC, Congo Brazzaville, Malawi, Mozambique and RPA.

    Another important topic to share with them is forgiveness after the Rwandan Genocide and the ongoing actually conflict between Rwandan. We would like to do everything to end the actual conflict between Rwandan and conflict with Congo.

    Project 004/22HWF

    Support enlarging YouTube studio

    Enlarging Foundation studio YouTube Channel "Urumuri rw'Impuhwe Hakizimana" which means the Light of Mercy Hakizimana, by shopping modern equipment and enlarging the team in order to be able to provide information in a minimum of 4 languages, Kinyarwanda, French, English and Polish.


    Support for writing and publishing a book about the history of the foundation and the Founder and other documents about the foundation.

    The foundation would publish the book about the foundation and the history of the founder. We would also set up the training guide for members of MLSLCA, publish articles, reflects, to let know the world about the foundation and social life change.


    Peace and reconciliation for Rwanda. To start the global campaign against Hutu and Tutsi extremism Nowadays we are seeing the increase of Hutu and Tutsi extremism, which is manifested by social media. Through this campaign we will carry out activities aimed at uniting Rwandans and the peoples of Central Africa


    Help to people in prison We start this project by helping one prisoner in the Katowice prison, we would like to help more prisonners and their family as victim of the lack of family human resources

Support us by donating here


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